
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

19 days: Stressing out

Album of the day: Veckatimest by Grizzly Bear.

Good calm music, reminiscent of Mumford and Sons with a dash of The Polyphonic Spree thrown in there for good measure. Dear Pitchfork media: Is that sentence good enough for me to get a job with you? Most music reviews don't do a lot to describe the feeling behind music. Instead, it's a never ending avalanche of adjectives attempting to capture the sound. The sound may be what the music boils down to, but it still seems like a sterile way of talking about music. Grizzly Bear, in that respect, evokes contemplation from me. It is soothing, enticing, and beautiful in its own warped way.

Eh. Getting better, I guess.

 It's less than three weeks til I move. The house is slowly but surely showing signs that it will soon be vacant; boxes strewn all about, tons of trash bags on the back porch, full of useless old things. To be totally honest, I have not done nearly enough packing. The attic and basement are totally cleared out, but my bedroom is total disarray, and so's the garage. It won't take long to do these things, but it's just a matter of getting started, you know? Motivation is hard to come by these days, but as August 1st looms closer and closer, I think it'll be a little easier to find.

On top of that, I'm going to be playing a lot of music this month, it looks like. Both of my bands, 40$ Boner and Frozen Idols have two more gigs each over the next three weeks. If that weren't enough to do, Frozen Idols is going to start recording a 13 track CD this Thursday, with hopes to have it done by the following Thursday. The following Friday is the start of STONEFEST '11, a three day music festival that we organized, with 20+ bands on the bill, Frozen Idols' last show for a good long while. I'd like to finally have some CDs to sell people. It's really hard to type and eat a banana at the same time, by the way.

The very last show I'll be performing in DuBois is going to be July 30th, at the Battle of the Bands in the city park. We're going to have to play really early in the day, because that happens to be the day we're taking off in the U-Haul for Indiana. It's going to be kind of a surreal experience, playing a last show then disappearing off to Indiana within the hour.

So, there's lots to do, and my window of time for doing them is getting much smaller.

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