
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Wherein I Plagiarize Allie Brosh:

I know I said I wasn't going to be whiny and bitchy on this blog, but right now I can't help it. I just experienced a sneaky hate spiral that has been building up for a couple days. A little back story is in order-Namely that a friend of mine is having some issues, another friend of mine is recovering from her fifty millionth surgery, and my sister is getting a divorce. I had a suspicion that it was only a matter of time before this happened. Personally I kind of wanted to celebrate, but I knew this was a tough decision for my sister so I kept my cheers in.

The real hate spiral started with me sweeping the floor before leaving work yesterday. I started to feel this awful pain in my left hand. When I looked down, I saw that I had either gotten a blister and popped it, or I had contracted ebola and my skin was sloughing off. It's in that perfect place that has to bend when I pick up anything at all.

Do you see that? That is not a happy wound.

Anyway, that sets the stage for today. I arrive at work to rumors that two of my coworkers were thinking of walking out on the job. This, of course, would mean plenty of extra work for those of us left until we could hire replacements. So with thoughts of sixty hour work weeks and my sister's divorce running through my head, and the occasional sharp jolt of pain from my thumb, I proceeded to go about my work day. Now, my father is the shop foreman. He knows most everything that goes on in that place, and has many gripes that I don't care to list, though I listen to them enough.

Today, he tells me that he is going to wait until his birthday, November 30th, to decide if he's going to keep working there or not. He has a much better job waiting for him, so I kinda want to smack him and tell him to quit tomorrow. But if he goes, I go. And despite how much I hate my job and the fact that you start out at a higher wage at the local gas station than I make, my job does have some perks. I am settled into a routine, and even if I don't like the routine, I have trouble with adjusting to changes. Further mental stress.

Then I come home after a ten hour work day to learn that my sister is thinking about not divorcing her husband. I would be relieved if he had changed and they had sorted out their problems,  but he hasn't. Mind you, just prior to the decision to split up, my brother in law had taken a job in Greenwood, Indiana. We live in central Pennsylvania. Mind you, it's really good money that he's making. It's just too fucking bad the dickhead never sent any of it to his family. They didn't have running water OR heat in their house for three fucking weeks. And he never sent them a dime, even though he had just taken this new job and a fat pay raise. He came home last weekend wearing a brand new outfit. This is the man she plans to get back with? Really? He spent money that could have saved your house from foreclosure going on a golf trip to North Carolina. When was that? Oh, that's right. On your wedding anniversary. For God's sake, sis, his initials are J.R.K. Do you see that? Cuz it spells jerk. I hate to say it, but I will lose a lot of faith in you if you stay with him.

And then, blinding rage and hatred for everything that ever existed. All the awful circumstances of the day crashed down on me in a wash of negative emotions. I may have broken some things. I don't really know. The spiral is winding down and I don't hate the world quite so much right now, but for a little while there, I was out of control.

Sorry for the lack of funny. Just needed to rant for a bit and none of my real life friends(Psh, as if I have any of those) were available.

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