
Monday, July 4, 2011

A post, written in an exceptionally foul mood:

Drama drama drama, oh how I love thee. Let me count the ways.

Actually, I'd rather not. Suffice to say, it's been a shitty weekend.

So I can't really help myself, it turns out. Last night, I went to a birthday party that quickly turned into the birthday girl crying her sweet little drunken heart out, breaking down after holding in so many things, and I couldn't help. On top of that, the party consisted of three happy couples, one single girl, and one single guy, me. The single girl was in a bad mood because she's single, and kept being passive-aggressive about it towards me, dropping half hints and all sorts of other bullshit. Finally, when single girl was good and wasted, she said something to me about how I had no balls. So I strode over to where she was sitting and kissed her. I said, "Better?" And she said "Not really. You should act like you want me." as if me walking over to her and kissing her wasn't an indicator that I was interested. She then goes on to talk about how guys should do all the work in starting relationships and blah blah blah. I don't know what else she said because at that point I was fucking furious and walked away. I overheard her shortly after talking about how all guys are douchebags, which pissed me off even more. Ever since I was a young boy, it's been a serious goal of mine to not act like other guys, to not be the stereotypical asshole that only wants sex, and here this fucking cunt was, lumping me in with all the other dickheads of my gender. Fuck that, and fuck her if that's how she wants to think. If she's that goddamn negative, I don't need her in my life anyway.

Tonight I went to another party. More drama, in that one of our friends thought that we weren't treating her new boyfriend nicely enough. This made her all pissy, and I couldn't even enjoy a fucking conversation with people I hadn't talked to in months because EVERYFUCIKINGTHING HAD TO BE ABOUT HER FUCKING PROBLEMS.

I'm so sick of this goddamn place and the petty assholes in it. I can't fucking wait to move away, and maybe I won't come back after all.

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